●●●●●●●●589)lliirreesseeaarrcchh ppaappeerrss ppuubblliisshheedd iinn lleeaaddiinngg ttoollaaggrriiccuullttuurree aatt aallll oovveerr tthhee wwoorrlldd aannddaammoonngg ssttuuddeennttss ffrroommeexxppeerriieenncciinngg vvaarriioouuss ccuullttuurreessaa mmuullttiilliiiill18At Hiroshima University, I conduct research mainly in the sociology of agriculture, as a participant of the Taoyaka Program and the International Economic Development Program. HU has allowed me to significantly grow as a researcher. The financial assistance I have received for academic communications and conference attendance has allowed me to focus on writing my research papers, some of which have been published in the online versions of scientific journals. At HU, with many opportunities to encounter students from many different countries, I have made many new friends. With a sense of gratitude, I will always cherish my memories of Hiroshima University and Japan.Second-year doctoral course student, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences,Graduate School of Humanities and Social SciencesI am from Greece. At present, I am conducting research in biology at the Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life. Students of various nationalities gather here, speaking in many different languages, producing amazing proposals and experiments one after another. I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to do my research in such a stimulating environment. I am also enjoying familiarizing myself with not only Japanese culture but also many other cultures, thanks to my international friends.First-year doctoral course student, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for LifeAn inter-university exchange agreement was signed with the University of California, Berkeley (USA), represented by its Chancellor, Dr. Carol T. Christ (November 2017).●●●●●●AustraliaFiji New ZealandPapua New Guinea Research students/Special auditing students, etc.:265●●●●●●MexicoNicaraguaPanamaPeruDoctoralprogram:557including professionaldegree program studentsBachelorʼs degree program:106Research students/Special auditingstudents, etc.:111students:217Master's program:711To OceaniastudentsFrom OceaniastudentsHHUU ● Canada●● USABoliviaBrazilChileColombiaCosta RicaEcuadorEl SalvadorHondurasTo North AmericastudentsFrom North AmericastudentsTo Latin AmericastudentsFrom Latin Americastudents(As of May 1, 2022)Between universities391 agreements signed with347 institutions in 55 countries/areasBetween divisions403 agreements with 366 institutionsin 51 countries/areasUndergraduatePostgraduate students:1,533At Hiroshima University, the whole world is your campus.As a hub of international education and research,HU has signed international exchange agreements witheducation and research institutions across the globe.Hiroshima University attracts many students from all cornersof the world and sends many Japanese students abroad.oonnnnee sscciieennttiifificc jjoouurrnnaallssooggyy ooffRReesseeaarrcchh iinn tthhee ssoocciioonngguuaall eennvviirroonnmmeennttRReesseeaarrcchhnngg bbiiooooggyy iinnInternationalstudents:1,7502307520Internationalexchange agreementsOverseas bases(as of May 1, 2022)23 bases in 15 countries/areasClarisse Mendoza Gonzalvo (Philippines)Pallas Christos (Greece)From the World(to Hiroshima UniversityA total of 1,638 students from 84 countries and regions are studying at HU (as of May 1, 2022)ur Campus
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