Hiroshima University PROSPECTUS 2022-2023

irequireagraduation thesis.Academic performanceEvaluationof achievementSelect a school or departmentexamnationbasedonmajor● ineach subjectacquireabroad cultureand specializedknowledgeeducationiroshmaUniversityoffers undergraduatendiverse schools leading students to* Somemajor programs donotProduceagraduation thesis.Evaluationat theendof each semester in themajor programStart of casses).programi. ll ● ●n H i .●●● information, Reach thegoal (obtainabachelorʼs degree).Set the goal (seect amajor programfor which to take theentranceat theendofEvaluationAcademiceach semesterperformance ieach subject●●●●●●●●●●EDUCATIONUNDERGRADUATE*HiPROSPECTS (Hiroshima University Program of Specified Education and Study) is a registered trademark of Hiroshima University.The official website of HiPROSPECTS® publishes the contents of the major and minor programs.A combination of three programs A combination of three programs to match each studentʼs academic to match each studentʼs academic interests and intellectual curiosityinterests and intellectual curiosityIn accordance with his/her academic interests, each student can select a desired program from a combination of three programs: “major program” of the school/department in which the student is enrolled; “minor program” in which the student can learn majors of other departments; and “specified program” designed for the student to develop higher abilities and acquire official qualifications.Each program clarifies targetsEach program clarifies targetsto reachto reachIn each program, the target levels of knowledge and competency that each student is expected to reach by graduation are clearly indicated, and their degrees of achievement are periodically checked. This approach enables students to make progress steadily toward their final goal.Measuring English language proficiency by a socially andMeasuring English language proficiency by a socially andinternationally recognized testinternationally recognized testAll HU students are required to take this internationally recognized test at least twice, upon admission and in or after their third year (exact timing depending on studentsʼ affiliation). The test scores enable the students to objectively evaluate their English language proficiency and also contribute to further improving HUʼs English language instruction.HUʼs original goal-oriented educational systemHUʼs original goal-oriented educational systemSchool ofIntegrated Arts and SciencesSchool of LettersSchool of EducationSchool of LawSchool of EconomicsSchool of ScienceSchool of MedicineSchool of DentistrySchool ofPharmaceutical SciencesSchool of EngineeringSchool ofApplied Biological ScienceSchool ofInformatics and Data ScienceSpecial Course ofSpecial Support EducationPre-enrollmentEnrollmentGraduationBachelorʼs Degree Programs15https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/progRegister and study in theminor program (voluntary)Register and study in thespecified program (voluntary)Students work towarda bachelorʼs degree inthis specialization.Students learnother majorssubjects to fulfill personalgoals or acquire officialStudents study specificqualifications.Acquire the basics/outlineof the minor program.Complete the specifiedprogram. Obtain thetarget qualification.Study in the majorprogram of the school/department.Features ofEducationBasic Courses in University EducationCompulsory courses for all students preparing to engageCompulsory courses for all students preparing to engagein intellectual activities at Hiroshima Universityin intellectual activities at Hiroshima UniversityHiroshima Universityʼs liberal arts education is categorized into four major areas (Peace Science Courses, Basic Courses in University Education, Common Subjects, and Foundation Courses). The Basic Courses in University Education are compulsory for all students, in which they learn the basics of intellectual activities in college through Introductory Seminar for First-Year Students and Introduction to University Education.TOEIC®L&R IP TESTMinorprogramMajorprogramSpecifiedprogramHiPROSPECTS®Educational systems

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